Examples of Booking via Text
You can book with an address...
Book with a city name and state:
text – 123 main st santa ana ca
123 main st – pickup address
santa ana – pickup city
ca – pickup state abbreviation
Book with your first name and street address:
text – george 123 main St 92707
george – your first name
123 Main St 92707 – pickup address
Book with your first and last name, and street address:
text – george washington 123 main st 92707
george washington – your first and last name
123 Main St 92707 – pickup address
You can book with a quick code...
Quick codes are assigned to businesses to speed up reservations. Please ask an employee of the business you are at for their quick code
for the taxi company you are booking your reservation with.
Book with quick code alone:
text – 102 92707
102 – quick code for business at pickup address
92707 – a zip code anywhere in the metro area so we know what cab company should service you
Book with your first name and quick code:
text – george 102 92707
george – your first name
102 – quick code for business at pickup address
92707 – a zip code anywhere in the metro area so we know what cab company should service you
Book with your first and last name, and quick code:
text – george washington 102 92707
george washington – your first and last name
102 – quick code for business at pickup address
92707 – a zip code anywhere in the metro area so we know what cab company should service you
You can also send us free form (anything you want) messages to help us find you...
After the cab is on the way, you can send a message to our dispatcher or to your driver, to help the driver find you. Please do not
reply to the message you receive. Just text your message to 1-855-305-9978.
You get a message that cab is outside but you need 5 more minutes:
text – will be down in 5 minutes, wait for me
You want the driver to back into the driveway to get your bags:
text – back into the driveway to load luggage
You want the cab to come around back of the house or business:
text – come around back
You don’t see the cab even though you got the message that cab is there:
text – don’t see cab
...or any other free form message that would help your driver to find you.